The product is special auto transformer which is connected in different forms. Its output voltage can be regulated smoothly and continuously from zero to the maximum value.
The product is special auto transformer which is connected in different forms. Its output voltage can be regulated smoothly and continuously from zero to the maximum value. The provision of an indicating meter is made for the models TDGC 0.2,0.25,0.5/0.5(M). All the models find popular applications in industries, agriculture and scientific researches , and are particularly suited to serve as ancillary facilities for such equipment as various machine tools, transistor curve tracers, projecting TV sets, and analytical instruments in petroleum industry, etc .
If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please feel free to email us at or use the following enquiry form. Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hours. Thank you for your interest in our products.
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